Event Development Grant
The Event Development Grant supports event organizers with start-up costs associated with hosting or bidding for new and inaugural events as well as international, national, provincial and regional championships. The grant program is administered by the City of Thunder Bay Recreation & Culture Division with the assistance of a Review Committee.
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Applicants must meet with Recreation & Culture Division staff prior to submitting their completed application form. Successful applicants will be required to submit a post-project report complete with receipts following their bid or event.
2016 Event Development Grant Package Adobe PDF, 10 pages, 387 KB APPLICATION DEADLINE OCT. 21, 2016
Please read the Event Development Grant package carefully to determine your organization’s eligibility. The ability to meet eligibility criteria does not guarantee funding. For more information or to ensure your group's eligibility for the City of Thunder Bay Event Development Grant contact:
City of Thunder Bay
Community Services Department
Tel: (807) 625-2305
Contact: Paul Burke
Email: pburke@thunderbay.ca